
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Early Dynastic Period of Egypt

Early Dynastic Period of Egypt

The Archaic or Early Dynastic Period of Egypt immediately follows the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt c. 3100 BC. It is generally taken to include the First and Second Dynasties, lasting from the Protodynastic Period of Egypt until about 2686 BC, or the beginning of the Old Kingdom. With the First Dynasty, the capital moved from Abydos to Memphis with a unified Egypt ruled by an Egyptian god-king. Abydos remained the major holy land in the south. The hallmarks of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as art, architecture and many aspects of religion, took shape during the Early Dynastic period.
Before the unification of Egypt, the land was settled with autonomous villages. With the early dynasties, and for much of Egypt's history thereafter, the country came to be known as the Two Lands. The rulers established a national administration and appointed royal governors. The buildings of the central government were typically open-air temples constructed of wood or sandstone. The earliest hieroglyphs appear just before this period, though little is known of the spoken language they represent.

About the year 3600 BC. AD. Was based on the culture of communities Neolithic Egypt along the Nile River, collecting crops and domestication of animals. After a short time (around 3600 BC. M.) Egyptian society began increasing growth and progress towards the formation of a great civilization. Appeared during this period, a new and distinctive pottery, and was linked with pottery from southern Levant. The use of copper and widespread during this time. Mesopotamia principles used in the manufacture of sun-dried bricks and architectural buildings, including the use of the bow and the walls with decorative effects, and became popular during this time.

Located archaeological sites dating back to the Archaic period , settlement manor "Tel KFOR star" (about 5 km southwest of the city of Kafr Saqr , Eastern Province ) , has appeared numerous archaeological evidence confirms the subordination of the site to the early era . The University of Zagazig Hvaúrha Active , which resulted in the discovery of a residential area of the pre-dynastic period , and the cemetery has 127 cemetery most of its contents intact , including 60 cemetery of the First Dynasty and 23 cemetery of the same era ; 17 cemetery in the Archaic period ; 13 Cemetery bus a lot of offerings , including Mcyprtan two children inside Ainain of pottery ( season 1990 ) ; and burials , some in the form of a squat , and skeletons inside jars and pottery jars holds most of the signs and the name of the King, " Narmer" ; coffins with her jewelry ( bracelets from stone schist , and anklet of stone in the right leg; ) ; panels kohl pots of schist stone and alabaster ; panels of slate ( schist ) for the preparation of kohl . This is in addition to other copper pots , and pieces of animal bones , and the remains of the vessels inside the bones of animals ( cemetery 127 ) ; and offerings . It amulets Scarab of stone live green ( ?) ; And amulet in the form of a fly perforated stone dark green , and the mascot of gold in the form of a bird " Ibis " ( stork ) leg one , which is of the rare cases in this place of the Archaic period ; Amulet other Garnet perhaps in the form of a winged hawk ( cemetery 123 ) . This is in addition to parts of the walls of the old residential area , and within several places by the effects of fire for ovens , stoves, and has been serving the people of the village .

Ancient Egyptian Kingdom

Ancient Egyptian Kingdom

The Old Kingdom is the name given to the period in the 3rd millennium BC when Egypt attained its first continuous peak of civilization – the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods, which mark the high points of civilization in the lower Nile Valley (the others being Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom).
The term itself was coined by eighteenth-century historians and the distinction between the Old Kingdom and the Early Dynastic Period is not one which would have been recognized by Ancient Egyptians. Not only was the last king of the Early Dynastic Period related to the first two kings of the Old Kingdom, but the 'capital', the royal residence, remained at Ineb-Hedg, the Ancient Egyptian name for Memphis. The basic justification for a separation between the two periods is the revolutionary change in architecture accompanied by the effects on Egyptian society and economy of large-scale building projects.
The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as the period from the Third Dynasty through to the Sixth Dynasty (2686–2181 BC). Many Egyptologists also include the Memphite Seventh and Eighth Dynasties in the Old Kingdom as a continuation of the administration centralized at Memphis. While the Old Kingdom was a period of internal security and prosperity, it was followed by a period of disunity and relative cultural decline referred to by Egyptologists as the First Intermediate Period. During the Old Kingdom, the king of Egypt (not called the Pharaoh until the New Kingdom) became a living god, who ruled absolutely and could demand the services and wealth of his subjects. The numerous references to the Old Kingdom kings as pharaohs in this article stems from the ubiquitous use of the term "pharaoh" to describe any and all Ancient Egyptian Kings.
Under King Djoser, the first king of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, the royal capital of Egypt was moved to Memphis, where Djoser established his court. A new era of building was initiated at Saqqara under his reign. King Djoser's architect, Imhotep is credited with the development of building with stone and with the conception of the new architectural form—the Step Pyramid.[4] Indeed, the Old Kingdom is perhaps best known for the large number of pyramids constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids."

Egypt prehistoric

Egypt Prehistoric

Egypt prehistoric period in the history of Egypt from the beginning of human Pettmtd reduce the period of the beginning of the primacy of families in Egypt and Petqal by prehistoric Ahan was before the beginning of the writing of history . Period prior to the date draw Neolithic Aptdt from about 6000 ( Stlav ) BC. Alaaچeptullaچaan Baiqsmo generally prehistoric periods Cultural each one the name of the place where Elly Akchwo for the first time a certain type of Egyptian settlement . Aktar and archaeological finds from the era before the families in Egypt were in Upper Egypt Ahan silt of the Nile River was significantly Baguety Delta region and buried most of the Delta locations for long periods before the modern era

Paleolithic down

The human life in Egypt on the mountains and hills , where conditions were harsh natural control the rights, and the means of his life is limited and primitive . , Where he lived the life of the Egyptian Human unstable , and the movement from one place to another in search of food , housing and caves and take up hunting animals and birds , and rely on the collection of seeds and fruits of plants and trees .
Making the people of this era tools of stone , such as the knife and the saw and ax , and the large-sized rough , and the ax was the most important stone tools , and in the end this era man knew how to use fire by rubbing stones solid together strongly , helped by the discovery of fire to the development of the life of the ancient Egyptian , so use it for cooking and lighting , and removal of predators and hunting animals .
And this era in Egypt appeared before 100 000 years of the advent of Christ

Middle Paleolithic

The most important of the three stages , where industries have emerged and spread stone and machinery industry has evolved , and through increased drought and say the rain and the spread of desert conditions , ending the civilizations of the Old Stone Age around 10,000 BC .

Neolithic ( Neolithic )

Back to 6000 or 5500 BC After that I said there was rain and drought, the plants have disappeared in the late Paleolithic , was forced to leave the plateau rights and recourse to the Nile Valley ( Delta , Fayoum, Egypt Central ) in search of water . In this new environment guided by human agriculture , and produced grain , such as wheat and barley , and domesticated animals and took care of livestock , goats, sheep , and lived the life of stability and order and construction , rather than a life on the move. And learn agriculture and civilization were earlier civilizations of that time . And established dwellings of mud and wood , which showed the population centers in the form of small villages and took care of the man buried their dead in graves , as developed in this age of machinery and tools industry where accuracy and characterized by small size, also making clay pots . It features a Neolithic transition to agriculture and stability , and the domestication of animals , and promote industry tools and weapons , and the construction of housing and tombs , and finally pottery .

Stone Age copper

Is the age of the use of metals which is the era in which Leila Neolithic , and ends with the beginning of the era of dynasties in ancient Egypt . In this era, known as the ancient Egyptians metals , such as copper, bronze and gold , and these minerals and their machines made ​​their tools and ornaments , and the broader copper minerals prevalent , and most important Managmeh in the Sinai Peninsula . Also in this era industry has evolved texture fabrics , wood , pottery , and built housing of milk instead of mud and reeds , and brush Balhasir made ​​of papyrus , and made ​​pillows. The most important characteristic of this age the appearance of some acts of worship , such as human reverence for some of the animals .



is the Horus name of an early Egyptian king who ruled during the 1st dynasty. This ruler became known through a tragic legend handed down by ancient Greek historian Manetho, who reported that a calamity of some sort occurred during Semerkhet's reign. Thearchaeological records seem to support the view that Semerkhet had a difficult time as king and some early archaeologists even questioned the legitimacy of Semerkhet's succession to the Egyptian throne.

Manetho named Semerkhet Semêmpsés and credited him with a reign of 18 years, whilst the Royal Canon of Turin credited him with an implausibly long reign of 72 years.  Egyptologists and historians now consider both statements as exaggerations and credit Semerkhet with a reign of 8½ years. This evaluation is based on the Cairo Stone inscription, where the complete reign of Semerkhet has been recorded. Additionally, they point to the archaeological records, which strengthen the view that Semerkhet had a relatively short reign.

Semerkhet is well attested in archaeological records. His name appears in inscriptions on vessels made of schist, alabaster, breccia and marble. His name is also preserved on ivory tags and earthen jar seals. Objects bearing Semerkhet's name and titles come from Abydos and Sakkara.

Semerkhet's serekh name is commonly translated as "companion of the divine community" or "thoughtful friend". The latter translation is questioned by many scholars, since the hieroglyph khet (Gardiner-sign F32) normally was the symbol for "body" or "divine community"

Semerkhet's birth name is more problematic. Any artefact showing the birth name curiously lacks any artistic detail of the used hieroglyphic sign: a walking man with waving cloak or skirt, a nemes head dress and a long, plain stick in his hands. The reading and meaning of this special sign is disputed. Egyptologists such as Toby Wilkinson, Bernhard Grdseloff and Jochem Kahl read Iry-Netjer, meaning "He belongs to the gods". This word is often written with uniliteral signs nearby the ideogram of the man. Some ivory tags show the Nebty name written with the single sign of a mouth (Gardiner-sign D21). Therefore they read Semerkhet's throne name as Iry (meaning "one of them/he who belongs to...") and the Nebty name as Iry-Nebty (meaning "He who belongs to the Two Ladies"). This reconstruction is strengthened by the observation that Semerkhet was the first king using the Nebty title in its ultimate form. For unknown reason Semerkhet did not use the Nebuy title of his predecessor. It seems that he felt connected with the 'Two Ladies', a title referring to the goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet, both the female equivalents of Horus and Seth. The Nebty title was thought to function as an addition to the Nisut-Bity title

Scribes and priests of the Ramesside era were also confused, because the archaic ideogram that was used during Semerkhet's lifetime was very similar to the sign of an old man with a walking stick (Gardiner sign A19). This had been read as Semsu or Sem and means "the eldest". It was used as a title identifying someone as the head of the house. Due to this uncertainty, it seems that the compiler of the Abydos king list simply tried to imitate the original figure, whilst the author of the Royal Canon of Turin seems to have been convinced about reading it as the Gardiner-sign A19 and he wrote Semsem with uniliteral signs. The Royal Table of Sakkara omits Semerkhet's throne name. The reason for that is unknown, but all kings from Narmer up to king Den are also missing their throne names

Queen Merneith

Queen Merneith 

The Queen of the First Dynasty in Egypt Den Den, and called Damon , and Edmo , Den - Simita , Wisut - Betty , is the sixth king of the kings of the first family . King Den has many accomplishments of the most important that has hampered bandits who were raiding the population of Delta Bank , the first king of thought in the organization of the Nile water and flooding in the area of ​​Fayoum , was allo foreclosures endowments on temples , was buried in the godmother buried in the cemetery are covered floor chunks of granite , the first king mentioned by name the title of " Nisot - Betty " and means that the King of Upper and sea . The images in stone Palermo wearing a white crown , a symbol of Upper Egypt and then wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt code . The uncovered at Saqqara cemetery secretary Hmaka by tablets of stone , copper , wood, ivory and adorned with scenes and some exquisite pieces of restaurant [ marble ] .. The reign in 3000 BC . AD for an indefinite period .

Jet Pharaonic Village

Jet Pharaonic Village

Jet is located in the northern area of ​​the triangle between the bottom of the mountain, which is easy and flat hill and oversees the four directions . Jet limits from the east of the Green Line separating Israel and the West Bank , and now West Street " Trans-Israel " with the knowledge that there is for the people of Jet lands west of the Trans-Israel . Jet limits of the south of Kibbutz Magal Jewish and bounded on the north western city of bouquet .

Jet word found in some Semitic languages ​​, such as Hebrew and Alogarettah , meaning a hole carved rock era to the grapes .

The families of the village : wedge , surprise, east, Abu League , Abu Bean , Nadav , mays , north, Hussein Ali , a camel , Jassar , Abu scarf , Accad , Handgulw , safety , behind , king , accuracy , Aro , Mohsen , Badran , Abu virgin

The foundations of the local council in 1959 was headed by Ali Hussein Ali King . Total ownership of the village Jet 12700 acres of which 40 acres of land to stop the mosque , including the 70 acres for the absent 1000 acres of neighboring villages 6396 is not at the disposal of the people of Gath. In 1978 he was elected Professor Ahmed Mahmoud Abu League in the first direct election as president of the local council in Gath , then was re-elected for a second term in 1983 , in the third round of the elections has been elected Mr. Galal Abdel Kader wedge , and in the fourth session was re-elected Mr. Ahmed Mahmoud Abu League in 1993 , at the fifth session of the elections has been elected Dr. Mohammad Hassan Abu Bean in 1998 from the then government decided Israely integration of the local council of the village of Gath with the Municipality bouquet Bank, where he directs the towns local council joint was renamed the municipality , " municipality bouquet - Jet " , even the year 2011 where the decoder mergers and elections were held for each country , and after the elections of the local council in Jet Mr. Khalid was elected president of the village by surprise .

Jet temperate climate and average rainfall of 550 mm per year by rising from the sea and 138 m soil village Rndzina a calcareous soil . Barmen population of current and former agriculture and jobs and some trade. Jet and features heavily intellectuals of school dropout rate (0 % ), a characteristic in terms of Education has set up her first school in 1888 days of the Ottoman Empire .

There are ancient ruins near the village , the site covers an area of ​​about 7 hectares . Not in excavating the site , but in the two tombs , but archaeological surveys indicate that the site was inhabited during Almrahltien the second and third of the Bronze Age .

King Hor-Aha

King Hor-Aha 

king Hor-Aha or the second pharaoh of the First Dynasty in ancient Egypt. He lived in almost century atheist thirty BC. Egyptian historian Maniton that Aha rule about 62 years

LG Dreyer discovered in the cemetery or punishment seals the first time the tomb of Mir Neath and bottom insert Hur Aha as the second pharaoh of the first family . His predecessor, Narmer unified Upper Egypt , Egypt Ambasslyely per Kingdom . Maybe ascended the throne Aha Hur in the late 32 s . M . Or early 31 century BC. AD . According to Manito , became pharaoh at the age of almost thirty , and ruled the country about sixty years.
Found to Pharaoh Aha two cemeteries , one in Abydos and the other located in the largest area of ​​Saqqara , what has become a tradition followed by most of the Pharaohs after him . [1] The cemetery lies Hur Aha area Dynasty tombs at Abydos first , known as the mother of punishment . Consists of three large rooms (B10 B15 B19) directly adjacent to the tomb of Narmer . [14] cemetery is rectangular rooms , and drilling directly into the desert floor , the walls lined with bricks . Tombs was Narmer Luca only two adjacent , while the cemetery Hur Aha comprises three separate compartments and larger . Why this type of architecture difficulty of building up large rooms bishop . Timber used for these structures , which were what are imported from Palestine .

According to Manito , was Hur Aha carries with Hippo , the embodiment of the god Seth . According to the theory that Hur Aha is the same legendary Mina , another story says that the Hur Aha killed by a hippopotamus while fishing was practiced .

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