
Monday, February 10, 2014

The effects of renewed between Egyptian Pharaonic and Islamic

The effects of renewed between Egyptian Pharaonic and Islamic

Hardly a day passes in Egypt without discovering more of Pharaonic monuments or Islamic or other , That the country which has seen the construction and the fall of the feast of nations and empires , may be the richest in the Arab world in terms of the importance of tourism .
The Ministry announced yesterday that Egyptian antiquities Egyptian mission - French discovered near the city of Luxor, the southern capital of five royal statues made ​​of limestone . The ministry's statement did not specify the identity of the owners of property warheads , which was characterized as other statues there is the head of the snake « Cobra » on the top front, and as a result are statues belong to a king or one of the gods of ancient Egypt.
The head of the Egyptian Antiquities Mohamed Abdel Maksoud said the heads of the statues , which were discovered in the Temple of Armant , 25 km from Luxor , bearing the crown of Upper and sea , with an average height of 50 centimeters head crown .
He guessed Abdel-Maksoud, it dates back to the Middle Kingdom (about 2050-1786 BC) , pointing out that archaeologists are currently working on a study of the discovered heads to see if they involve the statues unveiled without a head in the same area in the past years .
In terms of Islamic monuments , The Director of the restoration of Islamic monuments in the Pacific Salah Kantara and Bir al-Abed that the re- opening of the Abbasid mosque in Ismailia after the completion of the restoration work is an achievement in light of the circumstances surrounding the country's financial and security .
For his part , praised the archaeological researcher Sameh al-Zahar , and a specialist in Islamic and Coptic monuments , the efforts to save the mosque. He pointed out that the importance of this historic mosque lies in that it is among the oldest mosques in Egypt , and one of the archaeological ruins . Has been established by the Khedive Abbas Hilmi II after digging the Suez Canal , as it was a safe haven for area residents war and peaceful .
Zahar said that the mosque is an architectural masterpiece and is a revival of Mamluk architecture in all its elements , architectural and decorative . And a height of nine meters , and ends with a stone in the form of balconies and botanical papers , and contains the writings of a third line bearing verses from the poem approach Burda of Imam Busairi .


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