
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

King Hor-Aha

King Hor-Aha 

king Hor-Aha or the second pharaoh of the First Dynasty in ancient Egypt. He lived in almost century atheist thirty BC. Egyptian historian Maniton that Aha rule about 62 years

LG Dreyer discovered in the cemetery or punishment seals the first time the tomb of Mir Neath and bottom insert Hur Aha as the second pharaoh of the first family . His predecessor, Narmer unified Upper Egypt , Egypt Ambasslyely per Kingdom . Maybe ascended the throne Aha Hur in the late 32 s . M . Or early 31 century BC. AD . According to Manito , became pharaoh at the age of almost thirty , and ruled the country about sixty years.
Found to Pharaoh Aha two cemeteries , one in Abydos and the other located in the largest area of ​​Saqqara , what has become a tradition followed by most of the Pharaohs after him . [1] The cemetery lies Hur Aha area Dynasty tombs at Abydos first , known as the mother of punishment . Consists of three large rooms (B10 B15 B19) directly adjacent to the tomb of Narmer . [14] cemetery is rectangular rooms , and drilling directly into the desert floor , the walls lined with bricks . Tombs was Narmer Luca only two adjacent , while the cemetery Hur Aha comprises three separate compartments and larger . Why this type of architecture difficulty of building up large rooms bishop . Timber used for these structures , which were what are imported from Palestine .

According to Manito , was Hur Aha carries with Hippo , the embodiment of the god Seth . According to the theory that Hur Aha is the same legendary Mina , another story says that the Hur Aha killed by a hippopotamus while fishing was practiced .


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